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Soubor:Mount Etna, Sicily ISS013-E-62714.JPG
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Mount_Etna,_Sicily_ISS013-E-62714.JPG (rozměr: 540 × 357 pixelů, velikost souboru: 253 kB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)
Fotografie + Description:
- ISS013-E-62714 (2 Aug. 2006) --- Mt. Etna Summit Plumes, Sicily is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station. One of the most consistently active volcanoes in the world is Sicily's Mt. Etna, which has a historical record of eruptions dating back to 1500 B.C. This image captures plumes of steam and possible minor ash originating from summit craters on the mountain -- the Northeast Crater and Central Crater, which includes two secondary craters (Voragine and Bocca Nuova). Explosions were heard from the rim of the Northeast Crater on July 26, and scientists suspect that these plumes are a continuation of that activity. The massive 3350 meter high volcano is located approximately 24 kilometers to the north of Catania, the second largest city in Sicily, and dominates the northern skyline. Much of Etna's surface is comprised of numerous generations of dark basaltic lava flows, as can be seen extended outwards from the summit craters. Fertile soils developed on older flows are marked by green vegetation. While the current explosive eruptions of Etna tend to occur at the summit, lava flows generally erupt through fissures lower down on the flanks of the volcano. Many of the lava flow vents are marked by cinder cones on the flanks of Mt. Etna. Scientists have noted evidence of larger eruptive events as well. The Valle Del Bove to the south-southeast of the summit is a caldera formed by the emptying of a subsurface magma chamber during a large eruptive event -- once the magma chamber was emptied, the overlaying roof material collapsed downwards. Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth."> (04/10/2008 02:52:12) The modified date is not available because scripts are disabled..
- Send questions or comments to the NASA Responsible Official at
- Date: 04/10/2008 02:52:12
- Source:
- Author: Earth Sciences Web Team Notices: Web Accessibility and Policy Notices, NASA Web Privacy Policy
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA.
NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
(Use of NASA logos, insignia and emblems is restricted per U.S. law 14 CFR 1221)
NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
(Use of NASA logos, insignia and emblems is restricted per U.S. law 14 CFR 1221)
Historie souboru
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Datum a čas | Náhled | Rozměry | Uživatel | Komentář | |
současná | 8. 4. 2014, 10:38 | 540×357 (253 kB) | Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) | (MW1.15-Fotografie) |
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