Soubor:The Open Road Flickr.jpg


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Fotografie + English: The Open Road (Taken on November 5, 2007, Nikon D2Xs)

  • I had a long lonely weekend in Iceland, so I took my rental Jeep out into the wild. I drove all over the country from dawn till dusk seeing what I could find. The sky and landscape was an ever changing palette of colors and clouds.
  • The sun is so low on the horizon during the winter that it is almost like a 5-hour sunrise followed by a 5-hour sunset. I drove up and down one of these highways to the next, listening to all kinds of strange and eclectic music on my iPod, occasionally jumping out to take a shot of something like this... it was a perfect weekend.
  • In the distance, you can see the snowy mountains which always seem to be just a few songs away.
  • Author: Trey Ratcliff

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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současná27. 5. 2013, 18:02Náhled verze z 27. 5. 2013, 18:024 100×2 848 (2,23 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (FILES2G999)

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