Soubor:The Long Road to New Zealand Flickr.jpg


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Fotografie + The Long Road to New Zealand ( Taken on February 25, 2010, Nikon D3X )
Fotografie + English: The Long Road to New Zealand (Taken on February 25, 2010, Nikon D3X)
* This is one of countless beautiful roads that crisscross New Zealand. I'm afraid I've forgotten exactly where I was when I took this photo! I know that is very lame, but I bet people around here can help me pinpoint the area.
* As far as the camera settings, this is the kind of shot you can get with something called "compression," a method where you use a zoom lens and zoom in quite far. It takes images in the distance and makes them larger than life.
* Author: '''Trey Ratcliff'''
This is one of countless beautiful roads that crisscross New Zealand. I'm afraid I've forgotten exactly where I was when I took this photo! I know that is very lame, but I bet people around here can help me pinpoint the area.
+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
As far as the camera settings, this is the kind of shot you can get with something called "compression," a method where you use a zoom lens and zoom in quite far. It takes images in the distance and makes them larger than life.
-- Trey Ratcliff
+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (autor: Stuck in Customs)
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[[Kategorie:Album Stuck in Customs]]
[[Kategorie:Album Stuck in Customs]]

Aktuální verze z 27. 5. 2020, 16:08

Fotografie + English: The Long Road to New Zealand (Taken on February 25, 2010, Nikon D3X)

  • This is one of countless beautiful roads that crisscross New Zealand. I'm afraid I've forgotten exactly where I was when I took this photo! I know that is very lame, but I bet people around here can help me pinpoint the area.
  • As far as the camera settings, this is the kind of shot you can get with something called "compression," a method where you use a zoom lens and zoom in quite far. It takes images in the distance and makes them larger than life.
  • Author: Trey Ratcliff

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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současná22. 5. 2015, 10:32Náhled verze z 22. 5. 2015, 10:324 811×3 400 (7,25 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)

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