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Soubor:Targum-MS 206.jpg


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Fotografie + English: The Schøyen Collection MS 206, Oslo and London. Hebrew square book script. Iraq, 1st half of 11th c.
* MS in Hebrew and Aramaic on vellum, Iraq, first half of 11th c., 8 ff., 39x33 cm, 2 columns, (25x25 cm), 23 lines in a large Hebrew square book script, by a scribe perhaps originating from the Maghreb (North Africa probably Tunisia).
* Provenance: 1. The Genizah of a Kurdistan Jewish community, North Iraq (until 1950/59); 2. Dr. Fischel, U.S.A.(from 1950/59 ; 3. Bernard Rosenthal, San Francisco.
* Commentary: The Aramaic translation is verse by verse. Among the earliest group of surviving Hebrew targum Bible MSS in codex form.
* Exhibited: XVI Congress of the International Organization for the study of the Old Testament. Library of Law Faculty, University of Oslo, 29 July - 7 August 1998.
* Elizabeth G. Sørenssen & Jingru Høivik: photography and formatting.
* The text covers Exodus 12:25-31, beginning in Hebrew with the second word.<br />The first word is the end of the Aramaic Targum of v.24; The Targum of v.31 is not complete, presumably continuing on the next page.

Aktuální verze z 27. 2. 2023, 18:38

Fotografie + English: The Schøyen Collection MS 206, Oslo and London. Hebrew square book script. Iraq, 1st half of 11th c.

  • MS in Hebrew and Aramaic on vellum, Iraq, first half of 11th c., 8 ff., 39x33 cm, 2 columns, (25x25 cm), 23 lines in a large Hebrew square book script, by a scribe perhaps originating from the Maghreb (North Africa probably Tunisia).
  • Provenance: 1. The Genizah of a Kurdistan Jewish community, North Iraq (until 1950/59); 2. Dr. Fischel, U.S.A.(from 1950/59 ; 3. Bernard Rosenthal, San Francisco.
  • Commentary: The Aramaic translation is verse by verse. Among the earliest group of surviving Hebrew targum Bible MSS in codex form.
  • Exhibited: XVI Congress of the International Organization for the study of the Old Testament. Library of Law Faculty, University of Oslo, 29 July - 7 August 1998.
  • Elizabeth G. Sørenssen & Jingru Høivik: photography and formatting.
  • The text covers Exodus 12:25-31, beginning in Hebrew with the second word.
    The first word is the end of the Aramaic Targum of v.24; The Targum of v.31 is not complete, presumably continuing on the next page.
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or less.

Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná27. 2. 2023, 18:21Náhled verze z 27. 2. 2023, 18:21946×1 102 (142 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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