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Soubor:Edward Teach Commonly Call'd Black Beard (bw).jpg


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Obrázek + Description: Blackbeard the Pirate: this was published in Defoe, Daniel; Johnson, Charles (1736 - although Angus Konstam says the image is circa 1726) "Capt. Teach alias Black-Beard" in A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, &c. to which is added, a genuine account of the voyages and plunders of the most notorious pyrates. Interspersed with several diverting tales, and pleasant songs. And adorned with the Heads of the most remarkable Villains, curiously engraven on Copper, London: Oliver Payne, pp. plate facing p. 86
* Date: 1736
* Source:
* Author: Joseph Nicholls (fl. 1726–55).
** Although James Basire (1730–1802) is attributed as the engraver based on the signature "J. Basire", unless he engraved the item at the age of 6, it is likely his father Isaac Basire.

Aktuální verze z 7. 4. 2018, 10:44

Obrázek + Description: Blackbeard the Pirate: this was published in Defoe, Daniel; Johnson, Charles (1736 - although Angus Konstam says the image is circa 1726) "Capt. Teach alias Black-Beard" in A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, &c. to which is added, a genuine account of the voyages and plunders of the most notorious pyrates. Interspersed with several diverting tales, and pleasant songs. And adorned with the Heads of the most remarkable Villains, curiously engraven on Copper, London: Oliver Payne, pp. plate facing p. 86

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or less.

Historie souboru

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současná7. 4. 2018, 10:19Náhled verze z 7. 4. 2018, 10:193 092×4 738 (5,24 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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