Soubor:X-2 with Collapsed Nose Wheel - GPN-2000-000398.jpg

Velikost tohoto náhledu je: 765 × 600 pixelů
Obrázek ve vyšším rozlišení (rozměr: 5 100 × 4 000 pixelů, velikost souboru: 2,53 MB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)
Fotografie + English: This 1952 photograph shows the X-2 #2 with a collapsed nose landing gear after landing on the first glide flight at Edwards Air Force Base. The aircraft pitched at landing, slid along its main skid and contacted the ground with the right wingtip bumper skid causing it to break off. The nose wheel had collapsed upon contacting the ground.
- Date: 1 January 1952
- Source: Great Images in NASA Description
- Author: NACA
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
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Datum a čas | Náhled | Rozměry | Uživatel | Komentář | |
současná | 17. 10. 2015, 14:50 | ![]() | 5 100×4 000 (2,53 MB) | Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) | (Fotografie + English: This 1952 photograph shows the X-2 #2 with a collapsed nose landing gear after landing on the first glide flight at Edwards Air Force Base. The aircraft pitched at landing, slid along its main skid and contacted the ground with the r) |
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