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Přesný nákres + English: Drawing of IJN Superbattleship Musashi in her 10/1944 configuration.

  • Français: Dessin du Cuirassé Musashi de la marine impériale japonaise (octobre 1944).
  • Deutsch: Zeichnung des Schlachtschiffs Musashi der Kaiserlich Japanischen Marine im Bauzustand Oktober 1944).
  • Additional info obtained from:
    • Battleships and Battle Cruisers - Japanese Naval Warship Photo Album Vol.1, Kure Maritime Museum 2005, 4-478-95053-9, Todaka Kazushige (Ed.)
    • The Battleship YAMATO and MUSASHI, Kure Maritime Museum 2005, 4-478-95054-7, Todaka Kazushige
    • IJN YAMATO and MUSASHI, Battleships (Warship Profile No.30), Profile Publications, Windsor 1973, 0-85383-0614, Chihaya Masatake
    • IJN Yamato Class Battleships (Warship Pictorial 25), Classic Warships Publishing, Tucson 2004, 0-9745687-4-0, Steve Wiper
    • Japanese Battleships, Gakken, Tokyo 2004 (2nd. ed. 2005), 4-05-603411-7, Watanabe Yoshiyuki
    • Super Illustration IJN Battleship Yamato - (Model Art Vol.745), Model Art, Tokyo 2008, Model Art Editorial Team
    • The Battleship Yamato, Conway, London 1988, 0-85177-490-3, Janusz Skulski
    • Battleships Yamato, Musashi (Maru Special "Japanese Naval Vessels", Series I Vol.52), Maru Special Team, Maruzen/Kojinsha, Tokyo 1981
  • The placement of 4 additional 25mm triple AA-guns on each of the new platforms on the starboard and portside of the funnel is based on:
    • Drawings of Imperial Japanese Naval Vessels, Pictorial Book , No. I, Battleships and Destroyers, Model Art, Tokyo 1989, page 34-40
  • Date: 05-06 / 2008
  • Author: Alexpl

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současná2. 9. 2014, 00:35Náhled verze z 2. 9. 2014, 00:354 177×2 026 (2,1 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – )

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