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Soubor:Jennifer Hawkins-2011-Flickr-01.jpg


Fotografie + English: Jennifer Hawkins ( Taken on August 11, 2011 )

  • Sydney's Carriageworks caught fashion fever tonight as the Myer Spring Summer 2011/12 Collection launched.
  • Vintage maxi dresses, bikini, floppy hats and funky music was all the rage.
  • Myer ambassadors Jennifer Hawkins (former Miss Universe... just in case you forgot) and male model Kris Smith were the catwalk headliners. The new brands welcomed in were Sass & Bide, Fleur Wood and Jayson Brunsdon Black Label.
  • Hawkins opened the show for the 500 guests, in an eye-catching sass & bide ensemble, complete with a long, gold sequinned jacket.
  • 'Our Jen' spruiked Cozi, which was fairly well received. Controversial Wayne Cooper did his thing, as did Leona Edmiston. Cooper featured lots of pink dresses, tops and trousers; a beige silk suit and a nude - white jumpsuit. Edmiston played it relatively safe with black dresses, complimented with fingerless gloves and head scarves.
  • Judy Coomber, Myer group general manager of fashion and accessories, went with a foursome of themes in the impressive collection.
  • The first is about bold colours including tangerine, emerald, gold, red, purple and fuchsia.
  • Myer's range also includes Riviera-inspired ensembles. Vintage remains popular, with softish florals, maxi dresses and big hats.
  • So ladies, believe me, there will be plenty of opportunities to splash your fashion dollar on this season in just about any fashion that takes your fancy.
  • Author: Eva Rinaldi

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