Soubor:Grote Antenna Wheaton.gif


Fotografie + English: Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber´s 9 meter (31.4 ft) parabolic radio telescope antenna, which he built in his backyard in Illinois in 1937. This was the second radio telescope ever built (after Karl Jansky's dipole array antenna), the first parabolic radio telescope and the first large parabolic dish, serving as the prototype for large dish radio telescopes built after World War 2. Its construction and the sky survey Reber did with it helped found the field of radio astronomy.

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná29. 2. 2016, 13:43Náhled verze z 29. 2. 2016, 13:43813×1 024 (317 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – Kategorie:CC fotografie)

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