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Soubor:Cocacola-5cents-1900 edit1.jpg


Fotografie + English: "Drink Coca-Cola 5¢", an 1890s advertising poster showing a woman in fancy clothes (partially vaguely influenced by 16th- and 17th-century styles) drinking Coke. The card on the table says "Home Office, The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. Branches: Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Dallas". Notice the cross-shaped color registration marks near the bottom center and top center (which presumably would have been removed for a production print run). Someone has crudely written on it at lower left (with an apparent leaking fountain pen) "Our Faovrite" [sic]. The woman who modeled for this artwork was Hilda Clark (1872-1932).

  • Français: «Buvez Coca-Cola 5 cents», publicité de 1890 montrant une femme avec des vêtements fantaisie (vaguement inspirés de la mode des XVIe - XVIIe siècles) buvant cette boisson. Sur la table, un feuille de papier ainsi rédigée «Maison mère: la Cie Coca-Cola, Atlanta, Géorgie. Succursales à Chicago, Philadelphie, Los angeles et Dallas». Les marques en forme de croix et le texte surajouté avec un stylo-plume qui fuit (Notre Faovri, sic) laisse à penser qu'il s'agit d'une épreuve. Chromolithographie.
  • Čeština: Reklama na Coca-Colu z konce 19. století
  • Dansk: En plakat med teksten "Drink Coca-Cola 5¢" fra 1890'erne. Kvindens klæder antyder en tøjstil fra det 16. og 17. århundrede. Kortet på bordet har teksten: "Home Office, The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. Branches: Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Dallas". Bemærk krydserne til farveindstilling nær centrum forneden og foroven - de skulle formodentlig have været fjernet før trykningen. Kvinden, der var model for plakaten, hed Hilda Clark (1872-1932).
  • Deutsch: „Drink Coca-Cola 5¢“, das Werbeplakat aus den 1890ern zeigt eine Frau in eleganter Kleidung die Cola trinkt. Auf dem Zettel auf dem Tisch steht: „Home Office, The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. Branches: Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Dallas“. Jemand hat unten links mit einem offensichtlich tropfenden Füller ungelenk „Our Faovrite“ [sic] darübergeschrieben. Die Frau, die für dieses Plakat Modell gesessen hat, war Hilda Clark (1872–1932).
  • Español: «Beba Coca-Cola a 5 centavos». Cartel publicitario del año 1890.
  • Italiano: "Bevete Coca-Cola 5¢", manifesto pubblicitario degli anni 1890, che mostra una donna in costume, (parzialmente influenzato dalla moda dei secoli XVI e XVII), mentre beve una Coca. Il foglio sul tavolo dice: "Ufficio Principale, The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. Branches: Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Dallas". La modella per questo poster era Hilda Clark (1872-1932).

Bibliographic information found on the LoC site:

  • TITLE: Drink Coca-Cola 5 cents
  • CALL NUMBER: PGA - Coca-Cola--Drink Coca-Cola (B size) [P&P]
  • REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZC4-12222 (color film copy transparency)
  • LC-USZ62-39705 (b&w film copy neg.) No known restrictions on publication.
  • SUMMARY: Print shows a well dressed young woman, wearing hat, white gloves, and pearls, holding up a glass of Coca-Cola, seated at a table on which is a vase of roses, the "Drink Coca-Cola" sign, and a paper giving the location of the "Home Office [of the] Coca-Cola Co." as well as branch locations.
  • MEDIUM: 1 print : chromolithograph.
  • NOTES: Title from item. No. 8881. Possibly a proof showing registration marks at top and bottom.
  • SUBJECTS: *Coca-Cola Company--Public relations. *Women--Social life--1890-1900. *Eating & drinking--1890-1900. *Carbonated beverages--1890-1900.
  • FORMAT: Advertisements 1890-1900. Chromolithographs Color 1890-1900.
  • REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
  • DIGITAL ID: (digital file from color film copy transparency) cph 3g12222 (digital file from b&w film copy neg.) cph 3a40046
  • CARD #: 2004671509

  • Date: Not dated. 1890s.
  • Author: Artist not credited.

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1923.

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současná3. 1. 2017, 09:26Náhled verze z 3. 1. 2017, 09:262 331×3 190 (3,98 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – Kategorie:CC fotografie )

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